WWVB Chiming Clock KitFeatures:
This is the third major revision of a design which I have been refining for a number of years. Note: This clock needs the WWVB signal to work properly. It will not work correctly outside of the USA. Above photo shows a populated WWVB chiming clock pc board with a WWVB receiver module and its ferrite rod antenna connected. Six eyelets at the top of the board connect to three pushbutton switches for selecting clock type, time zone (USA only), etc. Four eyelets near bottom edge are for green and red LED's to indicate WWVB reception status. DC power jack is shown in upper left corner. 1/8" stereo audio jack is in upper right. (Clock output is mono, fed to both channels) SMT RTC chip in lower left corner keeps accurate time between syncs and during power loss. SMT serial flash chip (bottom center) holds all waveforms. TI audio DAC is small SMT chip closest to audio jack. PIC chip (28-pin DIP) controls all activities. Here's how it looks installed in a simple Radio Shack (#270-1806) plastic enclosure:
Green plug connects audio output to powered speaker(s) Other cable is 9VDC power from wall transformer:
Left switch selects function to be set/adjusted, and the other two switches change that setting. Spoken feedback of function and setting is provided. Functions are:
Unfortunately, several of the parts used in the WWVB clock are only available in SMT packages and will require good soldering skills. The TI DAC pins have fairly fine pitch, so if you haven't soldered this type of chip before, you may not want to attempt it. (I use a microscope and a fine-tipped soldering station.) (The clock draws about 35 mA from the 9V adapter.) Note: This clock relies on the WWVB signal for accurate timekeeping. Although it may work without the signal, I don't recommend using it this way. Also, the time zone can only be set to the four zones in the Continental USA. Price (not including small per-order S&H fee): WWVB Clock Kit - $TBD DISCLAIMER: I take no responsibility whatsoever for the use and/or implementation thereof, or the misuse leading to damage to equipment, property, or life, caused by the above circuits.
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