Heathkit® and Dynaco user manuals (free downloads)Here are a few Heathkit and Dynaco manuals that may be useful:
Here is a link to my MITS 1440 calculator page Here are some Character Generator ROM images read from 2513 ROM's used in a TV Typewriter II. Here is a link to my VFD emulation project page. Here is a link to some information about the GenRad 1657 RLC Digibridge. Here is a link to some information about the EH Research Labs Model 4 NMOS EPROM Programmer Here is a link to some information about the Sencore LC77 and LC102 Capacitor - Inductor Analyzers Here is a link to some information about the CTC Datapoint 3300 Conputer Terminal Here is a link to my page for the Sol-20 computer serial program loader device |
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