TinyIR2™ Learning IR Remote Control Receiver Features:
With TinyIR2, just apply power, train the chip with the IR remote control commands you want to recognize, and you're ready to go. Command patterns are safely stored in internal non-volatile memory. TinyIR2 can be re-trained many times if needed. By installing a few external passive components you can configure 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, or all 12 of the outputs as momentary, and the rest as toggle. Momentary outputs pulse high for 100, 500, or 1000 mSec (selectable) when their code is recognized. They can also be configured to stay high as long as an IR signal is being received. Toggle outputs change state when their command is recognized. Based on an 18-pin Microchip® PIC 16LF87 CMOS Flash microcontroller with EEPROM, TinyIR2 has been developed to work with most modern IR remote controls. It supports bi-phase, pulse width, and pulse position encoding techniques, as well as others. Chip only - $7.95
(plus small per-order
S&H fee) TinyIR2 complete kitIn addition to the TinyIR2 chip, we offer we offer a parts kit, which includes a double-sided pc board and all components needed to populate it: Kit includes TinyIR2 chip, on-board "learn" switch, voltage regulator, 38 KHz IR sensor (works with most remotes, although several modulating frequencies are used), indicator LED, 12" ribbon cable, 20-pin dual row header mates with female ribbon cable connector (included) for power, twelve control outputs, and optional off-board "learn" switch. Regulator not required if 3-5V DC is available. If used, regulator output is available at connector. Approx board dimensions: 1.25" x 1.88". Please download schematic diagram, parts list, assembly instructions, chip data sheet, and parts placement guide TinyIR2 complete kit - $25.95 (plus small per-order S&H fee) TinyIR2 blank pc board only - $6.95
(plus small per-order
S&H fee) IR sensor can also be mounted on a small remote pc board (PC-RS2), for more installation flexibility:
PC-RS2 blank PC board - $0.95
(plus small per-order
S&H fee) Note: All parts needed to populate pc board, except the TinyIR2 chip, can be purchased at www.Digi-Key.com. The Vishay IR receivers and most other parts can also be purchased at www.Mouser.com. Of course, the easiest way to get going is to purchase one of our complete kits. Sample relay drive and level shifter schematics A word about compatibility: TinyIR2 was designed to support as many different IR remote control command formats as possible. Some manufacturers use unusual formats that are simply not supported. TinyIR2 is not guaranteed to work with all remote control units, but it should work with most of them. Also, different remotes use different "modulation" frequencies. The TinyIR2 kit includes an IR receiver that is most sensitive to a modulation frequency of 38 KHz. This value was chosen to work with the widest number of remotes. If the remote is operating at a different frequency, you will get reduced range/sensitivity. The type of IR receiver used can be purchased for other modulation frequencies, if desired, at www.Digi-Key.com, or www.Mouser.com DISCLAIMER: I take no responsibility whatsoever for the use and/or implementation thereof, or the misuse leading to damage to equipment, property, or life, caused by the above circuits.
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